Monday, September 18, 2006


Well, just thought I'd put in a second post now that life is successively becoming more and more awesome everyday. I've just begun realizing how much of an optimist I am, but that's slightly beside the point, or not.... See, I love the anonymous/pointless leads because they stand for something called an instant laugh getter that doesn't contribute to intelligence, self-actualization, etc., it's just slightly funny enough to fire up the old diaphragm. And that's what humor (yes, even humour) needs to be at times...just riduculous funny stuff that won't make sense in like 5 seconds. Of course, there is always the option for elevated humor that's witty and biting....orsomething like that, but then again, some people won't get that, so you need to intersperse with random hilariousities like belittling someone based on any number of limiting factors or just a ridiculous, yet timely, comment. All in all we need humor to help us go through life. Even if life is "nast, brutish, and short" there's no reason we can't laugh ourselves all the way to the grave. I mean, we even laugh at death now. I hope I'll be able to laugh when my time comes, maybe at cancer, old age, pirahnas, rabid poodles, whatever..... Just laugh I guess is the basic premise for this blog which really had no premise to begin, well, sorry for wasting everyone's time, being that someone actually reads this blog........but anyways it's better to laugh at everything you can.......


Blogger Mel said...

Yes, that's right. Life is nasty, brutish and short. Just like Napoleon.

Hope you're ready for a glorious day of revolution, reform, and... um... whatever that last one was. Rutabagas?

10:29 PM  

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