I sat in a high place, as is upright and virtuous, beneath the night sky and a ghastly gibbous moon, nestled in the soft, slippery folds between the City and the Trees, to ponder the meaning of the great Magnifesto and the tantalizing ichor of that fleet and kinky serenity, Art. Thought settled upon me, and through it Words, and so I stained my sheets: ink notes toward the pillars of this ancient and newborn Movement.
I have here transcribed faithfully these jottings. Some of the precepts here you have already noted, and I wrote them out for my own elucidation; others are nudgings of babbling Pythia. If I have correctly translated your thought, tell me; if I have traduced, say also. And dwell on those new precepts, and mull them, and stew them with some parsley, sage, rosemary, and paprika, yes stew them and eat them and expel them and study the remains like tea leaves, and let me know what you think. Together we shall chip away at the face beneath the stone, and resolve this Magnifesto to be the supreme articulation of the New Movement.
Yours in Art,
-- Art is fundamentally communicable: no -isms, neo-s, or other obfuscative diphthongs. Even the spelling of diphthong shall be simplified to its archaic and magnanimously simple original form, dipthong.
-- Art is the natural activity of human being, like eating. Art, like eating, ought to be done each according to his own means and kind; the well-to-do can eat steak, and do. The well-to-do can sculpt in marble. The poor can eat Easy Mac, and do. The poor can use crayons. Steak and Easy Mac are both food. Both marble and crayon can be Art.
-- Authentic art comes from authentic experience comes from authentic being; the best art flows from a genuine-positive source.
-- Art is an essentially social activity. Emily Dickenson was an emotional quisling who got lucky.
-- NO MARKETERS. It is the Marketers and their foul Process that kill movements, social growth, and above all, they kill authenticity.
-- Art of the Movement is applicable to all forms of art. However, there is no place in the Movement for performance art as it is traditionally known. There is only life lived through the authentic artistic lens, and should that life produce an object or creation outside or apart from the person living, then it may be considered art of the movement. Art of the Movement is not life lived for show; it is life lived, and truly.
-- Egocentrism is improper to Art of the Movement. Art of the movement is intimate to the artist but selfless in expression.
-- Art of the Movement seeks Transcendence, but merely transcendence from the plastic, the store-bought, and the insincere.
-- Nazi art is the art of the Will to Power. Art of the Movement is the art of Adventure to Awesome.
-- Beauty is a recognized value within the Art of the Movement: the equal and helpmate of Truth. Ugliness too is a recognized value but is subordinate to both Beauty and Truth. Humor is essential to the Art of the Movement, as is the Art of the Pleasant, the Art of the Positive Shock, and the Art of the Selfless Weird.
-- Concepts contrary to the Art of the Movement and values opposed to the Art of the Movement may be criticized, attacked, assaulted, ridiculed, shat upon and relentlessly buggered by mutant sloats with nine-inch razor-cocks -- but never the artists who hold them. The person retains primacy over the concept.
-- Art of the Movement may be sold, but an artist may never put a price on his or her work. Only a buyer may name a price, and an Artist of the Movement may choose to sell or to not sell.
-- Communes and artists' retreats are encouraged, but no Artist of the Movement may take without giving and cannot stay in such a situation for more than a span of eleven months, save only in circumstances most extreme, and love doesn't count.
-- Sex is to be respected and treated as an art of the most holy and organically liturgical nature. Kink, that favorite of artists, must flow from the sensibilities of the Art of the Movement and must be imbued with the most scrupulous selflessness. Gender is recognized by the Movement as a subject of particular and necessarily distinct dignity, and may never be squandered for cheap (or expensive) tricks.
-- The use of drugs must never be confused with a lifestyle choice or artistic authenticity.