Sunday, February 18, 2007

Well, read the story above and you'll find yet another hilarious doomsday story. Looks as if NASA is afraid an asteroid is gonna kill us all in 2037....
Let's see, depending on when theasteroid hits, I'll probably be around...40 when the fateful rock is supposed to hit. I think I'm cool with an asteroid hitting Earth at that time. The thing is that the doomsday clock is continuously ticking and just because someone has a few degrees under his/her belt they're thought to be much more respectable than a preacher.
Signs in the sky, eh? I seem to recall a certain saying about the Apocalypse.....what was it, oh, yes....

"Of that day and hour no one knoweth: no, not the angels of heaven, but the Father alone."

Sounds like pretty wise words...

Thursday, February 08, 2007

HELP!: We need somebody with artistic respect!

Well, well, well, brothers and sisters, the Apocalypse must be at hand---a musical using the Beatles' music. No, it's not about Charlie Manson, i's about a dude from England who hooks up with an idealistic chick (not really a woman, lady, etc. from what I can tell) named Jude in the good ol USA during (affect faux surprise here) the 1960's and Vietnam War protests.
Well, I guess it isn't as bad Catcher in the Rye, but the 1960's, especially Vietnam, has come to symbolize coming of age in the arts' collective psyches. And who's handed this foreign picture--the youth. Of course, the dream is promoted by well-off armchair intellectuals who want to make sure the youth only remember Vietnam as the greatest American tragedy/injustice/etc. ever (and not for leading to the deaths of countless thousands under Communism). But this isn't about my views on being nursed on ideologies (not by my own family, though, thankfully), it's about a movie.
The thing that really makes this movie of note is its musical take on the Beatles' songs. Just a few months ago we witnessed the desecration of their catalog by George Martin and his kid in Love. Love was really a desperate attempt to cull up profits and maybe re-inspire Beatle-mania. A Cirque de whatever performing to "expert" re-mixes of the Beatles is just a horrible intellectualizing and esotericizing music that was meant for everyone rather than a noveau elite. This new film, Across the Universe, comes at an interesting point in the music
s ownership, where only two members remain out of the original four. Was Harrison a stumbling block? Possibly. It seems all to convinient that only a few years afte his death more and more Beatles-related commercialistic attempts are coming out. Of course you really ccan't blame Harrison.
The last official Beatles album issued (technically released post-Beatles) was a disgusting mash-up and overly lush concoction called, ironically enough, Let It Be. Fortunately, though, someone decided to restore the album to its original sound. Let It Be....Naked is one of the few success stories in the Beatles cover catalog. Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band risked turning them into a lounge act memory, but for the stellar performances of Aerosmith.
If you want to perhaps the most agriegiously ridiculous exploitation of the Beatles' music watch this clip I found on YouTube. THIS IS NOT A JOKE, THIS WAS REALLY RELEASED!!!!

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

The New KKK?????

I just heard/read about a resurgence in the Ku Klux Klan. Yes, that eternal thorn in the side of America those clerics of hate. It's really sad to see such an organization cashing in on the debate over illegal aliens. It's bad enough that politicians use issues of national importance to their own benefits, but hate groups? I guess it's kind of what the Nazis used. They used German dissatisfaction with impotent governments and a failing economy to come into power. After they came into power they worked the German people into enough of a tizzy that they wanted to rule all of Europe and made them believe that murdering Jews, Catholics, Gypsies, etc. was the only legitimate solution to the economic troubles in Germany.
Of course, the activism of the Klan will overshadow the legitimacy of the immigration debate to the point where those for maintaining immigration law, avoiding amnesty, and prizing earning citizenship over an open-door policy will be painted as Nazis, most likely, or Klansmen. Unfortunately, emotions and ad hominem attacks are all too popular for logic and reason to win a debate. Rather than considering the effect of basically allowing any fugitive from justice waltz into America to rob, rape, and/or murder whomever he/she pleases, we'll be forced to look at how the rapist feels and made to "realize" that we only fear them because deep down inside we're all racists or some other such non-sense. My ancestors were immigrants, forbidden to go where "white people" were and treated like cattle. However, they enter this country legally, abided by its laws and loved this country enough to respect her laws. They wanted to buy a ticket rather than sneak in the backdoor.
Unfortunately, thanks in part to the "Glorious Revolution" of the 1960's we youth hear so much about these days, we are told that the authorities lie to us, laws were made for losers, and everyone must be right unless being right would make that person a "meanie." The entire political base of the youth is based on a reductio ad sinister (reduce to the Left) standpoint where only the Leftists are dogmatic experts. Only they speak with a voice of authority. And if you don't listen to Leftist policies you are an idiot, a "mercenary," a fool, an outcast, a freak. And as those among us who take our political duties seriously quietly chant "Gooble-gobble" in the background, another professors laughs and spits in our face. "You fool, you dare to think unradical thoughts?!? Do you know how hard my generation fought for you so you could be a free thinker? Huh, do ya punk?!?"