Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Well now..........

Well, let's see what exciting/not exciting things have happened recently... First of all, I don't have class this morning which is really exxciting and a bit relieving. I don't know, I think even grad school will carry with it that excitement of NO CLASS TODAY. Snow would make it better, but I'll still take a class cancelled when I can get it.
The OL Halloween Dance turned out A LOT better than expected, as my music library came up to the task at hand (except for Cotton-Eyed Joe which the lack of it [CD was too scratched to work in the player] almost got me crucified several times; I don't know why it HAD to be that song, I mean I probably could've pulled out the Boot-Scootin' Boogie, but I wasn't asked). Also, I am still mystified at the clinging to swing dancing. I mean it looks alright and I guess it's OK (having been intiated into its ranks in a Summer Program), but when you see the pros do it it
s at least on the same sexually-suggestive level as the infamous freak dancing. I, personally, find it funny how Freud prooves right again, but then again, I can't mention his name within 5 feet of certain tender souls. He might jump up and reveal slight Aquinine truths about them....the horror...the horror....
Other than that, I'm also quite pleased at the numbers that showed up for the Madonna U Film Fest even though the home team hwas in the World Series. I'm thinking of plotting another one designed around war movies, you know, because November is when Veteran's Day AND Freedom Week are....
I started looking into doctoral programs for Pych also, but its just preliminary now. Excepting, that I DON'T want to go into the shaky Psy.D. programs, and want an APA-approved program, preferably from a school that is established (U of CHicago, Wayne State, U of Michigan, Michigan State, etc.) but we'll see who'll pay top dollar, and who'll let me in (only about 10% of those who apply are admitted).

Signing off,
The Foolish Freudian Rocker

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Fun Time

Well, this week has been kind of ending on an even note. First off, this week began with the death of my grandfather, Izydor. If you're the praying sort I wouldn't mind a few for the repose of his soul. I wasn't that close to him, true, but it's still something about having no more grandparents that's not to fun. Also, I feel bad for my dad as he's kind of bummed out about it (to say the least). I do feel glad, though, that he lived to the ripe old age of 88. He was undergoing 5 straight days of chemotherapy soon after having surgery done for stomach cancer, and then he passed on from this world to the next. I think, though, that passing on at such an advanced age probably gave him better ability to make his peace with God, at least that is my hope. Just something you feel terrible about is someone dying without making their peace with God and their fellow man.
Although the funeral is this Friday, things have kind of improved since that first strike. Since then, I have finally completed the initial work for the Madonna U Halloween Film Fest. The final info is as follows:

Tuesday 10/24: The Ghost and Mr. Chicken

Thursday 10/26: Invasion of the Body Snatchers (b&w)

Friday 10/27: PSYCHO (Alfred Hitchcock)


There, just thought I'd give it another plug, although creating an event on Facebook proved exciting, too, as I originally invited about 15 people, and about 50 people have been invited so far. I think this event will be a great success in bringing some LIFE to the Madonna campus. Also, I plan this to be the innagural event of the Independent Student Activities of Madonna University Society, the purpose of which is to plan fun events, not related to any major, college, or any type of ideology, etc., just good clean fun.
After that was settled, I attempted to complete my seminar paper, but couldn't get a hold of Rousseau, who is a major part of my paper, so I figured why start something if you can't finish it. I also have a lit review to work on for my Pxsychological Research class, and I also have a RIDICULOUS anatomy and physiology Lab test on Monday. This ridiculous test requires us to name all of the little indents and ridges on bones, without a word bank, multi-choice, etc., and using real bones set out by the lab instructor. Kind of difficult, and I'll try to do well, but I'm not sure.
So, yeah, basically that's what's been boringly going on in my life lately. That, and I put in my app for the St. Catherine Undergraduate Award Medal. I think I've shown my apptitude for leadership, but I guess we'll see. After all, leaders always need followers I suppose, other wise nothing would get done.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Har har har me heartys! Well, looks like it's another fun night out on the interweb-thingy on a Saturday night. I guess it's alright, though, who has time to go out and have fun with theoretically extant friends when you go to school and work for 60 hours a week. Oh well, tomorrow's Sunday and I'm beginning more and more to understand why the Good Lord set aside some naptime for us every week. I mean it's like a total bonus you're not even expecting! Odd, though, that it takes working in a religious house to make you glad for Sundays, but I guess even theGood Lord likes to get in a laugh here and there.
Progress is coming magnanimously on the Madonna Film event thing, but I'm restricted to Tuesday, THursday, and Friday night. It'll still be awesome, though, even though it'll probably be me and....that's it.....
As to the Halloween shin-dig, I'm scared to see what th final manifestation of this'll be as I'm feeling bad that I'm not like going crazy trying to gear up for it, but then again, I've got stuff down a lot better than I had with DJ-ing. I mean what they say about practice makes perfect is true, even if that practice is playing for a hand-count of pseudo-college-students who aren't sure if they're allowed to have fun when the Sabbath is so near....
Tisk! Tisk! Tisk!
I seem to recall someone positing that the Sabbath is made for man, not man for the Sabbath, but then again, I'm just a foolish Freudian rocker......


Sunday, October 08, 2006

Kick out the Jams!

Well, once again I've had an awesome week at school and awesome weekend.
Let's see, first I did some stuff, then some more stuff....
But then I got bored of doing stuff and decided to do some things.
Anyways, my week started nicely enough with getting back my Lab test with good results . Then stuff kind of dragged on, with not much happening until Wednesday decided to roll around and I read the wrong book for my seminar class. Oh well, we'll find out if and when that makes a big difference...
Then stuff kind of kept going until Thursday night, when on my way to karaoke, the warning light in the car goes on.
Anyway, I had some fun time and then got home safely, but the next morning, the car up and died.
Well, turned out it was the alternator and that knocked out a day of work for me. It's OK, though and the boss isn't mad or anything, because I came to work on Saturday and did a good job.
For SUnday I went to hippie church and that was OK.
I'm getting geared up for a radio show, but I'm still not dead set on a time....thinking Wednesday nights 7-9 PM, but then I'm thinking about doing something on the weekend, if I can get the software and studio/basement in working order.
Oh, and I've progressed on the front of the Madonna U Halloween Film Festival, but still coming up with a poster, etc.
My bro was doing some stopmotion stuff today and it looked awesome.
Other than that, there's not much to say, except this the first post I spent some time on, and the pics are better than the text, I mean, for reals. Well, anyways...
Signing Off for Now this is Your Careless Blogger!

Monday, October 02, 2006


Well, I've been reflecting on radio stuff lately and was suprised beyond belief when I found out that Radio Spirits offers an automatically updated "show of the day" that you can post on your website... Can you say awesomer than awesomer than awesome?
