Friday, December 08, 2006

Well, just popping in for a little post to maintain my sanity. School has been more of a chore than I had anticipated, and I've disappointed myself more than a few times. But enough of that! I'm excited in the promise that next term shows, especially as I'm becoming increasingly involved in campus activities, especially in trying to build up events that dorm students AND commuters can come to (apparently there are dorm only events). It's a difficult thing, too, as class schedules are uber-wacky and the film fests have been at inopportune times.
Outside of that I'm working on a podcast for The Transept (a periodical) as well as the periodical itself. All this while taking Physiological Psychoology? Can it be done? We'll see.
Also, I'm trying to get more and more involved with Madonna's Music Club, especially in the recording department (engineering, production, etc.) and/or performing. We shall see, but I think it's better to give people with talent the first try. Maybe song writing? (Think the Shaggs and short, be VERY AFRAID!!!)
Oh, and someone (to whom I'm now deeply indebted) showed me the coolest thing yet at Madonna...PIANOS!!!! That's right, the music dept. totally has pianos you can whale on between classes FOR FREE!!! Now, I know alot of you have heard me say "I'd pay $5 to whale on a piano right now," but IT'S FREE!!!!! Forget computers, etc., THERE ARE FREE PIANOS TO WHALE ON FOR FREE!!!!! It's like having a cake, and ice cream, and $1 million AND EATING IT TOO.....FOR FREE!!!!!

Anyways, I remain your careless blogger.
The Foolish Freudian Rocker


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