Thursday, December 14, 2006

The Rise and Fall and Rise of Man

Just a little thought drop for you all about the heights and depths that man can acheive. I'll give you a little case in point.
Yesterday when I signed into Yahoo! and AOL, the head news story had something to do with Senator Tim Johnson ( who recently underwent surgery to correct a congenital blood vessel defect in his brain. Of course, the surgery was serious, but the Senator appears to be recovering, and it shows the amazing advances man has made in science. However, that's not how the media took it....
The important thing here to remember is the slim majority (literally 50+1) that the Democratic Party holds in the U.S. Senate. Rather than emphasizing the Senator's recovery, etc., the articles focused more on the danger (YIKES!) that the Republican governor of South Dakota would appoint a Republican to the Senate (one of the powers of the governor) in Johnson's stead. Now, it is fairly important to note that Johnson is more of a conservative Democrat (not exactly considered anti-abortion, though, which may add an interesting dimension for some people) and that his seat would only matter a little bit; but, of course, the politicos jump in the air. Yahoo! started doing the math and figured if a Republican was appointed, with VP Cheney's tie-breaking vote, the Senate could become Republican de facto. This is where the stupidity of man becomes GLARINGLY present. Instead of a sincere "Get Well!" it is a "Get Well so we can have a Democratic Senate!" Sad how many can be so disastorously selfish sometimes....
But take heart, there are also doctors and nurses working around the clock to keep Sen., no, scratch that, Fellow Human Being Tim Johnson alive. These are the heroes in this situation, showing that for every loudmouth malcontent, there are many more silent contents working behind the scenes to protect and serve humanity rather than ideologies. He is not Democrat or Republican, Conservative or Liberal, he is a human being and a human being that, like every other human life, is worthy of care and preservation.


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